Help your teams feel their best so they can perform at their best



Improve the productivity of your entire workforce by empowering them with tools to reduce stress, boost productivity, and prioritize self-care, especially during high stress periods.



Improve employee satisfaction and retention of your Black colleagues by empowering them with tools to manage the specific challenges they face – microaggressions, glass ceiling, sponsorship, racial trauma, and stress +. Note that workshops can be tailored for additional communities (Latinx, Women, etc).


These powerful talks will inspire your community with Zee’s personal story of race-related challenges at work and in life, recovering from burnout, learning powerful breathwork and self-care tools that changed her life, and her journey into dedicating her life to sharing these tools.

Workplace stress is detrimental to your people and your business:

  • Reduces productivity 

  • Diminishes job satisfaction and overall morale 

  • Increases turnover rates and talent acquisition costs

  • Causes chronic health issues (heart disease, weakened immune system)

  • Increases absenteeism, disrupting workflow and business operations 

Zee Clarke's workshops and keynotes:

Increase employee engagement and overall well-being

Increase retention of top talent

Improve workplace productivity

Inspire self-care as a daily practice

What They’re Saying

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